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Ballad Tales: An Anthology of British Ballads retold

written by Fiona Eadie and 18 other storytellers, edited and illustrated by Kevan Manwaring

This anthology brings together 19 original retellings of traditional ballads in short-story form by some of the country’s most accomplished storytellers.

See below for more information.

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A ballad is a poem or song that tells a popular story and many traditional British ballads contain fascinating tales of love and jealousy; murder, mystery and the supernatural. In this book they are retold as enchanting short stories.

Fiona Eadie is the author of the first chapter – Janet and the Queen of Elfland – a retelling of the ballad of Tam Lin. Other authors in this collection include:

  • Eric Maddern  – ‘The Pirate’s Lament’ (The Flying Cloud)
  • Simon Heywood – ‘What women most desire’  (The Marriage of Gawain)
  • Kirsty Hartsiotis – ‘There Ain’t no Sweet Man’ (The Famous Flower of Serving Men)
  • Anthony Nanson  – ‘The Migrant Maid’ (King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid
  • Malcolm Green – ‘The Dark Queen of Bamburgh  (The Laidly Worm of Spindlestone Heugh)