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I am passionate about language and about bringing the spoken word to life. Like most storytellers, I work with stories that have come down to us through the oral tradition and tell these face to face rather than reading from books or scripts ... scroll down to listen ...

Working alone or with other storytellers and musicians, I can offer a selection of individual stories, a set of stories on a particular theme or a story walk through the landscape. I also devise new stories of place.

On Sunday afternoons in term-time, I tell stories for all ages at Ruskin Mill in Gloucestershire.

Telling stories that entertain, illuminate, engage and inspire –
to all age groups in a variety of settings.

I studied at the International School of Storytelling in Sussex and now delight in telling stories in libraries, museums, arts centres, businesses, schools, at weddings and out-of-doors. I tell to adults, to children and to groups of people who have come together for a specific event.

Forthcoming storytelling events and performances

Nominated for Outstanding Newcomer 2013, British Awards for Storytelling Excellence.